Song Scrapbook

Original Painting by Kelley Pettigrew
Custer's Last Command
At the time of America's Centennial, George Armstrong Custer was one of our nations most popular military heroes. He was not only an admired and highly decorated Civil War general, but also a respected Indian fighter. It was with shock and disbelief that reports of his death at the Battle of The Little Big Horn, June 25th, 1876, were read in newspapers across America. In addition to General Custer, other family members who died with him that day included his two brothers, Tom & Boston Custer, brother-in-law Lt. Calhoun and nephew Autie Reed.

1896 Litho by Otto Becker
Some of the Lyrics from Custer’s Last Command
The horses trot in unison while the band plays merrily
We’re marching from Fort Lincoln we’re the 7th Cavalry
We got our orders yesterday and now we’re on the move
Our General says we’re headin’ West to contain the mighty Sioux
I was proud to ride with Custer ~ as I did most all my days
With our guidons high in the Summer sky we’ll make ten miles today

Frank presents first CD copy to Kelley Pettigrew
Written by Frank Fara
How the West Was Sung Music BMI